COVID-19 UPDATE | January 21 Huddle Card

January 21, 2021

In today’s update, you will find important information, including:

  • KPNW Opens Portland’s First Mass COVID-19 Vaccination Site at Oregon Convention Center
  • RCC Leaders Share the Latest COVID-19 Vaccine Updates
  • COVID-19 Vaccine: Hot Topics!

KPNW Opens Portland’s First Mass COVID-19 Vaccination Site at Oregon Convention Center

Yesterday, over 1,400 Oregonians in Phase 1a received their vaccine on opening day at the Oregon Convention Center. Starting Monday, partner health systems will join KPNW to bring hope, save lives, and equitably administer Oregon’s limited vaccine supply as fast as possible.

Read the attached Oregonian article to learn more about how KPNW and leaders from Portland’s four largest hospital systems celebrated opening day.

Next week, we plan to vaccinate 2,000+ people by appointment only to eligible groups. Vaccine supply will determine ongoing available appointments. We will begin phasing out vaccine appointments at our medical office buildings and transition to the OCC. Note: When an appointment location changes, patients with a account receive an email; patients without an account will receive a phone call.

Regional Command Center Leaders Share the Latest COVID-19 Vaccine Updates

During Tuesday’s live audiocast, leaders provided important updates and answers on the COVID-19 vaccine and more.

If you missed it, listen to the audio recording (password: kpnw2021). Topics discussed:

  • Welcome & Community Update | Dr. Mary Giswold (00:00 – 05:05)
  • Tualatin Vaccination Clinic Outcomes | Shannon Surber (05:06 – 09:30)
    “I [volunteered] Sunday afternoon, and got SO much positive feedback from people coming in for a vaccine. They were very impressed with the efficiency of the process and kindness of the staff. Kudos from members and non-members alike!”
  • Oregon Convention Center Update | Wendy Watson (09:31 – 23:32)
  • Closing remarks | Dr. Mary Giswold (23:33 – 25:51)

For more information, you can also review the COVID-19 FAQs on the COVID-19 NW page. Plan on joining the next LIVE audio broadcast Tuesday, January 26, starting at 12:10 p.m. Submit your questions or suggestions for future topics.

COVID-19 Vaccine: Hot Topics!

  • Will we have enough appointments and supplies to administer second doses for those who received the first dose?

Yes. Despite our limited vaccine supply, we plan to hold enough doses back to provide second doses. Expect more appointments to open soon at the Oregon Convention Center vaccination site.

  • Who is eligible now? Are people 65+ eligible?

As supplies allow, we’re continuing to offer vaccines to people who meet Oregon and Washington Phase 1A eligibility including front-line health-care workers, individuals working in corrections facilities, residents of skilled nursing facilities, tribal health programs, public health workers, and more.

Federal and state health officials determine eligibility phases. To get the latest information, go to the OHA or WAHD website:

  • Oregon residents: track eligibility on the Oregon Health Authority website.
  • Washington residents: track eligibility on the Washington State Health Department website.
  • On January 25, Oregon Phase 1B begins and eligibility expands to include childcare providers and early learning and K-12 educators and staff.
  • On February 8, Oregon Phase 1B expands to begin vaccination of seniors. Seniors will be vaccinated in waves according to age. Only age 80+ are eligible beginning February 8.
  • There is not currently enough supply to vaccinate everyone in 1a group. Timing will depend on vaccine supply provided by the states. Based on current supply distribution, we estimate it will take 12-15 weeks to vaccinate Phase 1A, and Phase 1B. 
  • How do I schedule my appointment?

ALL KPNW employees are eligible for the COVID-19 vaccine. However, because supplies have fallen short, please postpone scheduling if you are a temporary remote worker with no exposure to patients. Otherwise, please follow these steps:

  • Sign in to your account and look for the Appointment Ticket tab under Appointments. If you have no notification or appointment ticket once signed in to, try a different device or internet browser such as Chrome or Microsoft Edge. 
  • If that doesn’t work, go to “Appointments” and select “COVID19-Vaccine.” Answer a few questions and make your own appointment.
  • If no appointments are available, please know we are in a transition phase, opening appointments at the Oregon Convention Center vaccination site. For members in Oregon and Washington who are currently eligible, they may fill out the member COVID-19 Vaccine Member Waitlist on Once someone signs up, we’ll notify them when they’re eligible and vaccine supply is available.
  • Where will my appointment be?

We are moving most vaccine appointments to our mass vaccination site at the Oregon Convention Center. Other locations are possible:

Although the vaccine has been shown to provide you a high level of protection, you could still catch COVID-19, be asymptomatic, and transmit the virus to others. Until we reach herd immunity in the community, PPE and other precautions will remain in place. It is important for everyone to help reduce the spread of the virus, by masking, washing your hands often, and staying at least 6 feet away from others. 

  • Will there be more opportunities to volunteer for a mass vaccination site?

Yes. We will need volunteers to work at the Oregon Convention Center. Please look for future Labor Pool emails for future volunteer opportunities. If selected, you will receive an email and/or a call for shift confirmations. If you are not contacted, continue to look for additional opportunities. Please refrain from emailing labor pool schedulers to offer to help or find out when the next bid will be sent out.

If you are a vaccinator: Be ready for the next call for volunteers by completing these HealthStream modules:

  1. NW AMB COVID-19 Vaccine Administration
  2. NW AMB COVID-19 Pfizer Vaccine 7.0
  3. NW AMB COVID-19 Moderna Vaccine 5.0

If you have not given an immunization in the past 12 months and wish to help with these efforts, sign up to be validated via HealthStream.

  • Can my child or teen get vaccinated?

It depends on their age.

  • Under 16 years old: If your child is younger than 16 years old, it’s best to wait until we have robust information available to deem the vaccine safe in children within their age group.
  • Over 16 years old: The Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine has been shown to be safe and effective in teens over 16 years of age and older and is recommended by the CDC.
  • Over 18 years old: Both the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine and the Moderna vaccine have been shown to be safe and effective in people 18 years of age and over and is recommended by the CDC.

NWP 365 Podcast Episodes

Episode 127 | Dr. Dacones speaks to Dr. Spindel about the latest COVID-19 situation and vaccine updates. 

Situation Update

Note: The COVID-19 Quick Facts Dashboard has been updated to include vaccination data.

This data is current as of January 19. For the most up-to-date KPNW Situation information visit the KPNW COVID-19 Quick Facts Dashboard.