January 26, 2021
In today’s update, you will find important information, including:
- COVID-19 Vaccine Updates
- Portland-Metro
- Mid-Valley
- Southwest Washington
- Don’t Miss Today’s Live Audio Broadcast
- KPNW COVID-19 Vaccination Summary
- KPNW COVID-19 Trends
- Temporary Visitation Policy Updated
COVID-19 Vaccine Updates
Information about COVID-19 mRNA vaccine availability and distribution is rapidly changing. Please review the following update to help guide our members, patients, and frontline employees and clinicians.
Due to the limited supply of vaccine distributed to states by the federal government, Kaiser Permanente is administering the vaccine allocated by public health departments by appointment only.
In Oregon, everyone in Phase 1A, Groups 1,2,3 and 4; and Phase 1B, Group 1 (childcare providers, early learning and K-12 educators and staff) are currently eligible for the vaccine. To learn who’s eligible now and who’s getting vaccinated next visit https://covidvaccine.oregon.gov/.
- Members may join our COVID-19 Vaccine Waitlist onkp.org/covidvaccine/nw. Once someone signs up, they don’t need to take further action. We will hold their place in the virtual line and notify them when vaccine supply is ready for them.
In Washington, everyone included in Phase 1A and Phase 1B Tier 1 (B1) are currently eligible for the vaccine, including anyone 65 and older, and all people 50 and older who also live in a multigenerational household. This is in addition to populations eligible during phase 1A including health care workers at high risk for COVID-19 infection, first responders, people who live or work in long-term care facilities, and all other workers in health settings who are at risk of COVID-19. To learn who’s eligible now and who’s getting vaccinated next visit https://www.doh.wa.gov/Emergencies/COVID19/Vaccine.
- Washington residents have the option to join a waitlist managed by the Washington Department of Health: doh.wa.gov/YouAndYourFamily/Immunization/VaccineLocations.
- Announced yesterday: The Washington State Department of Health (DOH), with assistance from the Washington National Guard and local and private sector partners, will launch four mass vaccination sites throughout the state this week [including the Clark County Fairgrounds in Ridgefield]. Based on current allocations for the state of Washington, the initial goal is to have enough vaccine to provide approximately 500 vaccinations per site, per day. In the beginning it will be less, as sites ramp up to that goal and beyond. To ensure success, a limited number of initial appointments will be accepted to start, and some sites will have reached capacity for week one quickly.
Following is an update on our plan to move Portland-area vaccine appointments to the mass vaccination site at the Oregon Convention Center (OCC):
Vaccine Appointments Scheduled at Beaverton (BVT), Central Interstate (CIN), and Mount Talbert (MTT)
- First dose appointments scheduled at the three MOBs on Monday, January 25 or Tuesday, January 26 were manually cancelled and contacted by phone over the weekend (approx. 190).
- Members registered on KP.org will receive an email with a URL and a code to reschedule their first dose vaccine appointment at the OCC between January 27 and 31. All members will also receive a text or a phone call.
- First dose appointments scheduled at the three MOBs January 27 through 31 will be cancelled through an automated campaign. Patients will be guided on how to reschedule an appointment at the OCC January 27 through 31. Patients will go to the OHA website and answer a few eligibility questions. Eligible patients will then automatically be directed to the Legacy system and be able to schedule an appointment.
- Booster (second) dose appointments scheduled at the three MOBs Monday through Friday, January 25 through 29; February 1 through 5; and, February 8 through 12 will NOT be cancelled. However, the day of appointment may change as we consolidate schedules.
- Starting Saturday, January 30 all booster (second) dose appointments scheduled at the three MOBs on a Saturday or Sunday will be cancelled.
- Members scheduled on Saturday, January 30 and Sunday, January 31 will be cancelled through an automated campaign. Patients will be guided to schedule an appointment at OCC January 27 through 31, using a link on the OHA website. All members will receive a text or a phone call.
- Members scheduled on Saturday, February 6 and Sunday, February 7 will be cancelled through an automated campaign and invited to join our waitlist. All members will receive a text or a phone call.
Week of January 25 – 30 at the OCC
- On Monday and Tuesday: special populations identified by Multnomah County in Phase 1A.
- Starting Wednesday: Phase 1B, Group 1 (childcare providers, early learning and K-12 educators and staff) identified by Portland Public School District leaders. Also, patients identified by healthcare system partners in Phase 1A, including KPNW patients who had appointments cancelled at BVT, CIN, and MTT and patients due for their booster dose.
Booster (Second) Dose Vaccinations
Beginning this week, members and non-members registered on kp.org due for their booster will receive an email, text, or call—depending on their preference—with a link to a URL and a code to use to schedule their second dose vaccinations at OCC.
- To start, the information will go out to patients a few days before they are due for their booster (second) dose. They will also receive the phone number of the new OCC Contact Center to call if they have questions. The OCC Contact Center will be staffed by members of the multi-health system partners. (Note: Our communication method may change once consolidated outbound campaigns are developed between all OCC partners.)
- Patients ought to receive a booster dose of Pfizer on or after day 21 and the second dose of Moderna vaccine on or after day 28. However, if that is not possible, it is okay to get the booster later and it will still be effective.
KPNW is exploring a partnership with Salem Health to vaccinate members at the Salem Fairgrounds.
- Salem – Vaccine supply is limited. We are administering vaccinations to appointed members in Phase 1A at the North Lancaster medical office.
- Eugene – Currently, no vaccine is available from the Oregon Health Authority.
Southwest Washington
When vaccine is available from Washington Department of Public Health, Kaiser Permanente provides vaccinations to members and non-members at the Cascade Park and Longview-Kelso medical offices.
Announced yesterday: The Washington State Department of Health (DOH), with assistance from the Washington National Guard and local and private sector partners, will launch four mass vaccination sites throughout the state this week [including the Clark County Fairgrounds in Ridgefield]. a limited number of initial appointments will be accepted to start, and some sites will have reached capacity for week one quickly.
To learn where COVID-19 vaccine will be allocated visit the Washington Department of Health website: https://www.doh.wa.gov/YouandYourFamily/Immunization/VaccineLocations and select a county.
- Clark County – To assist Phase Finder eligible individuals and to avoid overburdening hospitals and other vaccination sites, Clark County Public Health has taken up the role of collecting names and contact information and then connecting individuals with specific providers once vaccine becomes available. People who want to use this option can go to their website. It may take several weeks to hear from a facility, due to the large number of requests and the continued limited vaccine supply. For information visit https://clark.wa.gov/public-health/covid-19-vaccine.
- To make an appointment in Ridgefield, go here or call 1-800-525-0127, then press #
- Location – Clark County Fairgrounds: Tue-Fri, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Cowlitz County — Appointments scheduled at Orchards medical office are being cancelled and rescheduled at Cascade Park.
Join our live audio broadcast on TUESDAY, JANUARY 26, 12:10 – 1:00 PM for the latest COVID-19 Vaccine updates.
KPNW COVID-19 Vaccination Summary
Percentage of KP members vaccinated and percentage of NWP employees vaccinated has been added to the following summary. Percentage of Health Plan employees vaccinated will be added this week.
KPNW COVID-19 Trends
From KPNW researchers, scientists, and physicians, presented January 21:
- Anticipated Surge: OR/WA still in a good position with a decreasing outbreak.
- The post-holiday increase has ended. California, Texas, and Arizona are still experiencing the effects, but tending to peak.
- Additional surges are expected into Spring, especially with the introduction and spread of the B.1.1.7 variant into the U.S.
- CDC expects the variant to be prevalent in the U.S. by March. Oregon found its first case last week.
- We are watching and tracking on B.1.1.7 so that we can take account of the variant’s increased transmissibility.
- UK shows there may be evidence of slightly higher increase in mortality from the B.1.1.7. variant.
Epidemiology of post-COVID syndrome following hospitalization with coronavirus: a retrospective cohort study | medRxiv
- Internal hospital census (ADC) weekly average was down 23% from last week to this week (43 to 33). ADC forecast for this week is 30 by Jan 27 (w. error). ADC trending down since peak of 56 on Jan 2.
- ICU use rate is dropping. December average was 22%. January is averaging 13%. There were 3 patients in the ICU internally as of Jan 20.
- KPNW COVID+ weekly average of daily cases was down 38% from last week to this week (145 to 90). Forecast is 90 casesby Jan 20 (w. error).Daily cases were trending down since peak of 193 cases on Jan 7, but current forecast suggests plateauing in the short term.
Temporary Visitation Policy Updated
- No visitors in double occupancy rooms.
- No visitors in rooms where an AGP (aerosolizing generating procedure) is being performed.
- Minors may have up to two healthy visitors at a time.
- End-of-life patients who are not COVID+, may have two visitors at a time. They may rotate throughout the day.
- A patient with a disability may have one “personal assistant” if essential for the patient’s physical or emotional well-being and care. Up to three healthy personal assistants may be designated for rotation throughout the day.
- Laboring mothers may have two visitors while labor is in progress; after labor, one visitor.
- Visitors may not enter the facility if they have tested positive for COVID-19 or if they have test results pending (quarantine period).
Review the Temporary Visitors’ Restrictions During COVID-19 Outbreak policy.
Situation Update
Note: The COVID-19 Quick Facts Dashboard has been updated to include vaccination data.
A Thank You from Central City Concern
Central City Concern, a nonprofit organization that provides solutions to ending homelessness and achieving self-sufficiency, stopped by Interstate campus last week to deliver a super-sized thank you card to staff thanking them for their vaccination efforts! Great job Interstate team!
Words from Our Members
“Very pleased about new pre-screen call to update meds and the mental health questions in response to COVID. Super proactive. My doctor also coordinated with expert colleagues on advising me appropriately regarding return to work recommendations. Again, so grateful.”