COVID-19 UPDATE | February 4 Huddle Card

February 4, 2021

In today’s update, you will find important information, including:

  • RCC Leaders Share the Latest COVID-19 Vaccine Updates
  • Vaccination Updates
  • COVID-19 Vaccine: FAQs
  • Scheduling Vaccinations by State and Location Options
  • Updated Patient Flyer: Cold, Flu, Or COVID-19?

Regional Command Center Leaders Share the Latest COVID-19 Vaccine Updates

During Tuesday’s live audiocast, leaders provided important updates and answers on the COVID-19

vaccine and more.

If you missed it, listen to the audio recording (password: kpnw2021). Topics discussed February 2:

  • COVID-19 Community Update | Wendy Watson (0:00-02:22)
  • Vaccination Status Update | Michelle Teeples and Dr. Eric Warshaw (02:23- 17:15)
  • Clinical Vaccine Update | Dr. Katie Sharff (17:16- 31:57)
  • Surgical Services Update | Dr. David Parsons (31:58- 38:50)
  • Closing Remarks | Dr. Mary Giswold (38:51- 40:05)

In addition, you can review a summary of the discussion (attached).

Plan on joining the next LIVE audio broadcast Tuesday, February 9, starting at 12:10 p.m.

Vaccination Updates

Oregonians age 80 and older will become eligible to receive their COVID-19 vaccines beginning February 8. This means the Oregon Health Authority eligibility groups will include Phase 1B, Group 2, as part of their phased approach; they are not allowing all seniors at once. Currently, everyone in Phase 1A, Groups 1,2,3, 4 and Phase 1B, Group 1 is eligible. We are actively planning for how to make vaccinations for these seniors as safe and easy as possible, including ensuring ADA accommodations at the OCC. In addition, we are planning to partner with OHSU on a drive through vaccine clinic at PDX; updating our decision tree; and ensuring that is clear and the OHA chat bot is ready. More updates are in the bulletin here.

COVID-19 Vaccine: FAQs

  • Double Masking Guidance (FAQs attached)
    • Does KP support double masking for the general public? If a member of the public feels safer wearing two masks, or one or more of the masks being worn is not of sufficient quality, it may make sense to double them up.
    • Does KP support double masking for healthcare workers? KP employees should continue to follow the KPNW and KP National Mask Guidelines developed by the KP National Infectious Diseases Chiefs and approved by the National Command Center. This does not include wearing a cloth mask in addition to a KP-provided mask.
  • How will I be able to prove that I’ve been vaccinated if I need proof for work, travel, or other reasons?  We issue a vaccine card according to federal rules. It’s a paper card developed by the CDC. We recommend you take a photo of it in case you lose the paper card. 
  • I heard that an mRNA vaccine (such as the COVID-19 vaccine) can change your DNA. Is that true? No. The vaccine doesn’t contain DNA and doesn’t affect your DNA. It tells your cells how to make proteins that protect against the virus. 
  • If a KP administrative employee has questions as to their eligibility for vaccination who should they talk to for clarification? If a KP administrative employee has questions as to their eligibility, they should ask their manager for guidance. Managers should escalate questions to their regional leadership for resolution. 

You can find updated internal COVID-19 FAQs on the COVID-19 NW page.

Scheduling Vaccinations by State and Location Options

Use these two charts to understand the prime (first) and booster (second) dose pathways for Oregon and Washington residents.

Updated Patient Flyer: Cold, Flu, Or COVID-19?  

Please share this updated flyer with patients. It offers a symptoms checker to help people know the difference; and, lists steps to take if they have the cold, the flu, or COVID-19.

Situation Update

Note: The COVID-19 Quick Facts Dashboard has been updated to include vaccination data.

This data is current as of February 2. For the most up-to-date KPNW Situation information visit the KPNW COVID-19 Quick Facts Dashboard.