COVID-19 UPDATE | March 9 Huddle Card

March 9, 2021

In today’s update, you will find important information, including:

  • Live Audio Broadcast Today
  • CDC Guidance for Fully Vaccinated People
  • COVID-19 Vaccine Facts Flier
  • KPNW COVID-19 Trends
  • Words from Our Members

Live Audio Broadcast Today

Tune in today for our LIVE audio broadcast, starting at 12:10 p.m. Topics on the agenda include:

  • Welcome and Community Update | Wendy Watson
  • Internal Planning for Vaccine Surge | Michelle Teeples
  • Clinical Vaccine Updates | Dr. Katie Sharff
  • SW Washington Update | Jason Curl
  • Close | Dr. Mary Giswold

Submit your questions or suggestions for future audio broadcast topics. (Audio only)

Dial In:  +1 669 900 9128   Webinar ID: 916 6018 4663

Or iPhone one-tap: +16699009128,,91660184663#  

CDC Guidance for Fully Vaccinated People

On Monday, the CDC updated recommendations for fully vaccinated people in the non-health care setting. Please note that none of the updated guidance applies to health care provider staff, visitors, or patients in any of our health care facilities. The guidance is for the community at-large and includes a change in recommendations for what the fully vaccinated person may do in private, at medium- to large-size gatherings, and some activities when away from home. It also has some new guidance for fully vaccinated people who’ve been in contact with a COVID-19 case depending upon symptoms and whether the person is a resident or employee of a non-health care congregate setting or high-density workplace. After state and local public health officials have had time to comment over the next few days on these new CDC guidelines, we will update resources, practice support tools, and communications.

New! COVID-19 Vaccine Facts Flier

COVID-19 vaccines play an important part in protecting ourselves, our members, and our families from COVID-19. Arm yourself with the top COVID-19 vaccine details to guide our patients and members when it’s their turn to get vaccinated. The flier is attached to print and share in huddles and post on internal visual boards.

KPNW COVID-19 Trends

From KPNW researchers, scientists, and physicians, effective March 4. Based on review of internal trends and external considerations our findings are:

  • Anticipated Surge: OR/WA still in a good position in the short-term with a decreasing outbreak (R<1).
  • Longer term forecasts have much uncertainty due to new variants, slow rollout of vaccines, and potential re-opening of society, schools, economy. (No change)
  • Internal hospital census (ADC) weekly average was down 27% from last week to this week (18.0 to 13.1). Census was 10 on March 3. ADC forecast for this week is 6 by March 10 (w. error).
  • Internal ICU use rate fluctuating. Last week’s rate was 1% (prior week was 8%). Rate based on 0 to 2 ICU patients and low COVID inpatient numbers. Internal ICU had 0 patients on March 3.
  • KPNW COVID+ weekly average of daily cases was down 22% from last week to this week (37 to 29). Forecast is 21 daily cases by March 10 (w. error). The most recent daily case count was 24 on March 3.

Weekly Testing Turnaround Times

The average routine COVID-19 testing turnaround time (TAT) for the week of March 1 to 7 is 15.4 hours. Member communications, including and call center scripts, have been updated to inform members that TAT is usually within 24-48 hours so they can plan accordingly for travel.

Vaccination Quick Facts

Here is a snapshot of the most current vaccination data as of March 8. For more information on vaccination rates by age and race/ethnic group and prime and booster doses by geographic service areas, visit the COVID-19 Quick Facts Dashboard.

Words from Our Members

I did let my Dr. know how pleased I was in getting my first COVID-19 vaccine at the Convention Center; how organized it was and how helpful everyone was. Plenty of staff around to help with any questions and plenty of security. I only had to wait on hour before I got my vaccine.”