COVID-19 UPDATE | April 20 Huddle Card

April 20, 2021

In today’s update, you will find important information, including:

  • Vaccine Update: How Kaiser Permanente Northwest is Leading the Way in Our Community
  • Guiding Members and Employees: Updated COVID-19 Vaccine FAQs
  • $1.1 Million Vaccine Equity Grant
  • Surgical and Procedural Standard Operating Principles
  • Words from Our Members

Vaccine Update: How Kaiser Permanente Northwest is Leading the Way in Our Community

Two TV spots encouraging Oregonians to get vaccinated were created by KPNW’s Marketing & Communications team, on behalf of All4Oregon – the partnership between KPNW, Legacy Health, OHSU, and Providence.

We’re making an impact: As of April 15, 348,174 total shots have been given at OCC – and 217,871 people have gotten their shot at OCC!

Check out what’s new on and encourage members, family, and friends in Oregon and SW Washington to find a vaccination appointment at our medical offices, a mass vaccination site, and state-approved vaccine providers.

Guiding Members and Employees: Updated COVID-19 Vaccine FAQs

Check out the latest updated member FAQs to find answers to member/employee questions such as “Can I get my second dose at a Kaiser Permanente facility if I didn’t get my first shot at KP?” and “I lost my vaccination card. What do I do?”

Here’s the answer to a question we frequently hear:

Q: Why aren’t we prioritizing KP employees and members over others?

A: The COVID-19 vaccine is government property. Getting Americans vaccinated is a community effort. As a trusted distributor of the vaccine, KP is required to make the vaccine available to all eligible people in the community following the criteria laid out by the states we operate in. The criteria does not allow a vaccine distributor to preferentially vaccinate their employees or members.

All KP members and employees may get vaccinated at any site – pharmacies, mass vaccination sites, small community events, etc. Likewise, our clinics need to be open to all people regardless of insurance status. Search for vaccine appointments at KP and non-KP locations on

$1.1 Million Vaccine Equity Grant

Kaiser Permanente in the Northwest is partnering with the Oregon Primary Care Association on an initiative to increase vaccination rates among underserved and communities of color in Oregon. OPCA, a nonprofit membership association of Oregon’s 34 Federally Qualified Health Centers, also known as community health centers, will oversee the distribution of $1.1 million in funding from Kaiser Permanente to 11 CHCs throughout the region. Read more.

Surgical and Procedural Standard Operating Principles

The surgical and procedural standard operating principles have been updated to reflect a recommendation to postpone non-urgent elective surgeries requiring anesthesia for 7 weeks following a COVID+ test, as well as other pre-operative testing and vaccination workflows.

KPNW COVID-19 Trends

From KPNW researchers, scientists, and physicians, effective April 15. Based on review of internal trends and external considerations our findings are:

  • Anticipated Surge: OR/WA outbreak is up (R0=1.15). 
  • The trending surge, first reported last week, continues. Short-term increases in cases and hospitalizations continue to be expected.​
  • Current modeling forecasts moderate impact on hospitalizations in the medium term (mid/late May) overall. With increasing vaccination of high-risk age groups, this is expected to manifest as increasing hospitalizations among younger age groups.
  • Internal hospital census (ADC) weekly average was up 6% from last week to this week (15.9 to 16.9). Census was 14 on Apr 14. ADC forecast for this week is 14 by Apr 21 (w. error).
  • After many weeks of decrease, we have now begun to see the expected increase in hospitalizations.
  • Internal ICU census: Last week’s rate was 10% (prior week was 9%). Rate based on 1 to 2 ICU patients and low COVID inpatient numbers. Internal ICU had 2 patients on Apr 14.  
  • KPNW COVID+ weekly average of daily cases up 20% from last week to this week (60.0 to 72.1). The most recent daily case count was 81 on Apr 14. Case count forecast is 76 by Apr 21 (w. error).

Weekly Testing Turnaround Times

The average routine COVID-19 testing turnaround time (TAT) for the week of April 12 to 18 is 21 hours. Member communications, including and call center scripts, have been updated to inform members that TAT is usually within 24-48 hours so they can plan accordingly for travel.

Vaccination Quick Facts

Here is a snapshot of the most current vaccination data as of 4/19. For more information on vaccination rates by age and race/ethnic group and prime and booster doses by geographic service areas, visit the COVID-19 Quick Facts Dashboard.

Words from Our Members

“All staff were caring and considerate about my condition. They were also professional and considerate regarding COVID-19 safety.”

“I appreciated not having to go to a clinic and I hope the video option is available in the future, even after the concerns about COVID diminish. I found Dr. Sadana to be very helpful and informative. I trust him to manage my care going forward.”