COVID-19 UPDATE | June 17 Huddle Card

June 17, 2021

In today’s update, you will find important information, including:

  • Kudos on SW Washington Vaccination Efforts
  • Join Tuesday’s Live Audio Broadcast
  • Reminder: Mass Vaccination Site Closes on Saturday
  • Vaccination Quick Facts
  • Revised Temporary Visitors’ Policy Takes Effect Monday, June 21
  • KPNW Superhero: Kyle Hoelscher; NLR Pacific Islander Vaccination Team; Sunset Salud
  • Guiding Our Members: Philips Respironics Recall

Kudos on SW Washington Vaccination Efforts

Washington Gov. Jay Inslee visited Cascade Park Medical Office Building this week to thank our staff for all their efforts to get Southwest Washingtonians vaccinated, including a special focus on the Pacific Islander community. He met several Kaiser Permanente staff and clinicians, including Dr. Mary Giswold (left), COVID-19 Co-Commander; Martina Fetter, Senior Administrator, Ambulatory Care; Akiko Betcher, Community-Clinic Integrator – Pacific Islander community liaison; Jacinta Galeai, Pacific Islander Community Association of Washington; Dr. Tanner Pinney, retired Northwest Permanente physician volunteer; Diana Byrd, RN TL CPK; John Guffey, Pharmacy Manager, Dr. Khurrum Naqvi, PIC; and clinic managers Tina Stockton and April Jackson.

Check out these stellar SW Washington vaccine stats!

  • The KPNW North Service Area has provided more than 70,000 vaccinations.
  • Cascade Park Medical Office Building has provided 46,000 vaccinations.
  • Longview Kelso Medical Office Building has provided 20,000 vaccinations.
  • 46 Pacific Islanders have been vaccinated through a special Saturday vaccination program.
  • 117 homebound patients and caregivers have been vaccinated.
  • KP gave a $150,000 grant to the Pacific Islander Community Association of Washington to increase awareness and confidence.

Join Tuesday’s Live Audio Broadcast

Plan on joining the next LIVE audio broadcast on Tuesday, June 22, starting at 12:10 p.m. We’ll be sharing the latest COVID-19 community and clinical vaccine updates, as well as answers to your most frequently asked questions. (Audio only) Dial In:  +1 669 900 9128  

Webinar ID: 916 6018 4663. If you’re unable to join, a recording will be provided on Wednesday.

Submit your questions or suggestions for future audio broadcast topics.

Reminder: Mass Vaccination Site Closes on Saturday

The All4Oregon COVID-19 mass vaccination site at the Oregon Convention Center is closing Saturday, June 19. People who go to the OCC for their first-dose vaccine could get one of the remaining $100 gift cards from Fred Meyer. And, at the OHSU drive-thru clinic at PDX, people getting their first-dose vaccine could get one of the remaining Fred Meyer and Safeway gift cards (Pfizer, Moderna, and J&J vaccine).  Gift cards will be given out while supplies last.

Vaccination Quick Facts

Here is a snapshot of the most current vaccination data as of June 9. KPNW health plan and hospital employees have hit 77.6%! How can we boost that number? Visit the COVID-19 Quick Facts Dashboard for up-to-date, key data on the virus and vaccines.

Revised Temporary Visitors’ Policy Takes Effect Monday, June 21

The Temporary Visitors’ policy has been revised to reflect the decrease in COVID-19 cases in the region. Notable changes include: (1) Visitors may accompany patients in medical and dental offices, Members will be encouraged to be accompanied only by people who are essential for support. (2) In-patients (including COVID-19 patients) may have two visitors per day, with certain provisions, and (3) Patients in double-occupancy rooms will not be allowed visitors. All patients and visitors, regardless of COVID-19 vaccine status, must wear a mask at all times while in a KP facility. The implementation date is Monday, June 21. Details may be found in Policy Tech under NW Region COVID-19 Policy.

KPNW Superhero Winner KPNW Superhero Award Winners

Kyle Hoelscher, RN Team Lead, East Interstate Medical Office

Kyle started as a new employee with Kaiser Permanente as a team lead for Primary Care just before the pandemic hit. Despite being new, he rose to the challenge. Whether it was setting up testing sites, running the vaccination program, figuring out how to safely see members and keep his team safe, Kyle handled it with grace and a good attitude.  Read more.

Kaiser Permanente North Lancaster (NLR) Pacific Islander Vaccination Team

The Sunset Salud Team

The Sunset Salud team recently conducted two culturally focused vaccine events for Latino Kaiser Permanente members at the Rockwood and Sunset medical offices. The events were organized to offer a comfortable and convenient environment for our Latinx population to receive the COVID-19 vaccine.  Read more.

The KPNW Superhero Award celebrates this excellence by recognizing the creative and collaborative ways your teammates support our company, our members, and community. Help spread the word! Post the KPNW Superhero Award flier in break rooms, and wherever teams gather for meetings / huddles and nominate your hero today!

David Lawrence Community Service Award

Do you know a colleague who has passion and purpose in the community? Submit your nomination for the David Lawrence Community Service Award by Friday, July 9, 2021.

Belonging at KP

Join the National KPAAPA Juneteenth Teams Meeting: Juneteenth: Healing Black Trauma: Rest. Restore. Rebuild, June 18, at 12 to 1:15 p.m. Register to attend.

2021 Good in the Hood Multicultural Music and Food Festival: Free virtual festival June 26 and 27. Sponsored in part by the KPAPPA BRG. Register to attend.

Portland Virtual Pride Parade: This year Kaiser Permanente is sponsoring the virtual Portland Pride Parade event, Sunday, June 20, as a  live stream event. KPNW will be visible via a float.

Use Pronoun Signature Options: Use our new brand-approved pronoun signature options in your email signatures and share your preferred pronouns in your interactions.

Guiding Our Members: Philips Respironics Recall

Philips Respironics issued a voluntary recall notice on June 14 of its sleep apnea and ventilator machines because of potential health risks. We are currently investigating the impact to our members. For more information, refer to the attached talking points to help guide our members. It includes links to more information on the Philips sleep and respiratory care update page.